How To Introduce A Kitten To A Cat

How To Introduce A Kitten To A Cat

The joy of owning a pet is probably one of the most blissful experiences of all. Adopting the second pet is happiness multiplied, as you will get to enjoy more playful encounters between two balls of fur, that will turn your house into a warm home.

Let's see how can you ensure a smooth transition for both of your furry friends, proving the notorious gossips that pets don't get along, wrong.

The Best Way To Introduce A Kitten To Your Resident Cat

The chances are, your older pet has been with you in the family for a while now. They got used to their territory and love their freedom. Not to mention that single pets (just like single kids) tend to be spoiled, as they get your full undivided attention. Breaking the news won't be easy for your older pet. They too have feelings, and the last thing you want to do is break their little hearts.

So, you might be wondering how to ensure a smooth introduction process for both parties? Your senior cat is already comfortably nestled in their territory. Whatever you decide to do, never move their litter box or food bowl for the sake of a baby cat.

Another thing to bear in mind is not to make them share, as introducing a kitten to a cat is not supposed to jeopardize the senior pet's autonomy. A great way to bring them closer together is to rub the new pet's scent into a material that you will allow your other cat to touch and smell. Separate them into two rooms, providing them with enough time and space to get to know each other.

Adult cats tend to dislike new family members, but only if they are not given a chance to acclimatize to the changes. Think of it this way, make it look like you are asking for your senior cat's permission. Let them roam around in each others' rooms individually, and introduce the cats by carrying the small baby in your arms, to avoid sudden bursts of anger. Let them spend time together increasing the hours gradually, under your constant supervision.

How Long Will My Cat Need To Get Used To A New Kitten?

Just like humans, cats also differ in character. It is hard to tell how much time will your precious pet need to adapt to this life-changing event. You might get surprised at how quickly your existing cat will accept the newcomer. Or, sometimes, months go by before you see them lovingly interact with each other.

You want to make sure your older pet feels in control, at least at the very beginning. Bringing a new cat home requires many adjustments from your side that are to ensure the beginning of a wonderful friendship.

Rewarding your cat every time they act well around their new friend might as well do the trick. Animals love rewards, and when they connect certain behavior with a positive outcome, they will be more willing to repeat the actions.

Introducing a kitten might not be as easy as you think, however, the outcome is worth it. Fast forward a couple of months and you will be delighted at a mere look at your two beautiful pets taking good care of each other.

The main idea is not to give up, but closely monitor your pets, providing them with what they need to feel safe in your home. Once they acknowledge there is no danger from the baby pet, they will be more likely to revert to normal operation, being an affectionate pet they were.

Why Do Cats Hiss At A New Kitten?

There are numerous reasons why your senior cat might hiss when introduced to a new face. Rather than discussing their territorial aggression (which might also be linked to your cat's personality), we would like to observe this from another point.

What if your cat feels unsettled? Bear in mind that by bringing a new family member, you are turning everyone's life upside down. Cats like their routine and will probably find it hard to keep up once you disrupt their daily life. Not to say they are not happy to welcome a new playmate, it is just that they need a proper introduction, and (in case we didn't stress that enough) more time.

Cats are very social and enjoy long playdates with other cats once they settle into their habitual activities. Some pet owners make crucial mistakes by presenting a new pet in a rather quick and unthoughtful way.

Your cat is sure to hiss if they notice a newcomer occupying their space, or eating their food. By providing both of them with plenty of time to set up a new behavioral pattern, you are sure to triumph. No need to be impatient, as these things are supposed to take time, providing you with a unique opportunity to get to know your pets. Mind you, the cats have always been mysterious, and throughout history, many ancient cultures adored and praised these gorgeous creatures.

How To Train Your Senior Pet In Order To Ensure They Treat The Kitten Well?

Cats and kittens are an adorable addition to your family. However, you will face some challenges before they decide to establish that connection. As we have previously mentioned, when you bring your kitten home its water bowl should be in a spare bedroom, not to provoke your older cat.

Once you assure your senior pet's daily rituals are not disrupted, it's time for introducing a couple of techniques that are to help you train your cat. Do you think it is possible to train a cat? Absolutely yes! Make sure you start small, by allowing the older cat to receive the orders and learn to obey.

Cats react well to the rewards system, as well as consistency and loving devotion. They are highly sensitive animals, so you should pay attention not to yell at them, but rather distract them every time you see them scratching posts. Bringing home a second, or a third pet is sure to evoke a reaction in the house, but you can help the transition by persisting in short training intervals.

Senior pets accept newcomers once they get used to the idea of having a roommate. By carrying the kitten in your hands while avoiding confrontation, you are sending a clear message that a little ball of fur is here to stay. Monitoring their interaction is, then, of the utmost importance, since the new cat will eventually understand the kitten, is too, a part of the family.

Don't forget to be kind and tender to the older cat, letting them know there is room in your heart for both of them. Cats and kittens can indeed become the best of friends, and that is something to look forward to in the process. You can always consult your vet for more information on how to implement the best strategies and make them fall in love with each other. You do your part by being a caring pet parent, and the rest will naturally follow.

Will My Cat Accept A New Kitten?

Let's face it, your companion animals bring the ultimate joy to you and your family. It is important to set the relationship between them straight. Although it might seem that your senior pet will never accept a younger friend, the statistics show otherwise. Unless your cat underwent a traumatic experience which irrevocably affected their personality, there is hope.

Your endeavor to create a friendly atmosphere between the two is sure to come to fruition. Your main role as the intermediary is not that hard after all. All you need to do is follow your pets' reaction as they come closer together. Before that, as you have already found out, it is essential to separate their territories before they get a chance to interact with one another.

The tactics you will use to inspire them to become friends depend solemnly on your knowledge of your pets' personalities. No cat is the same. Your instincts will guide you through the process, as you will be able to observe who feels threatened and anxious. Try to ease the tension by removing the kitten from the room every time you notice your senior pet getting fidgety. Never miss an opportunity to reward good behavior with treats and verbal praise. Building a positive environment in the house where your pets have the freedom to investigate each other, is a no brainer for success.

Introducing a kitten to cats should, therefore, be done in a step-by-step approach. Giving enough space to both pets is a good way to start the cat introduction process. Once you ensure both of them have their bed, food, and water, then you can move on and get them together.

Your senior cat might hiss at the baby, but as long as you protect it in your arms and avoid further confrontation by separating the cats, there is nothing to worry about. The hissing will gradually stop as you continue showing your older cat with love, while gradually bringing in the baby cat into your lives.

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