Can Dogs Eat Dill Weed? (A Complete Guide)

Can Dogs Eat Dill Weed? (A Complete Guide)

Yes! Dill weed or dill is a herb with essential nutrients that a dog’s body will find useful.

However, there is a good and bad way to feed dill to dogs. Generally, dill weed in many forms is safe when given in small quantities.

Dill weed is a common additive in a culinary capacity. The herb is useful for cooking many dishes. Dogs can benefit from dill as well.

The herb is associated with many medicinal properties that will be covered below. Besides dealing with some ailments directly, the herb also reduces symptoms of common ailments in dogs, such as flatulence.

Dill Weed

What Is Dill Weed?

Dill is a herb in the Apiaceae family. It is commonly known and used as a spice for its fragrant properties.Dill leaves and seeds are particularly common compared to other forms of the herb. The seeds are derived from flowering heads of fill stalks when the dill plant is ripening. Dill heads are dried for a week before extracting the seeds.

In human dishes, dill is common in potato salad and fish recipes. If you are wondering if you can give your dog a bite of human food containing dill weed, seeds, or other forms, dill is harmless to dogs in all forms. However, feed sparingly. It's also worth noting that dogs shouldn't be eating human foods packed with spices and salt. So, if you must feed your dog human food, give small bites.


Dill is a good source of essential vitamins and minerals such as magnesium and Calcium. The herb itself and its components (leaves and seeds) have these nutrients.

Here’s a summary of what your dog stands to gain from eating dill weed and other forms of dill i.e., the seeds.

1. Cancer-Fighting Benefits

Dill contains limonene and anethofuran, known to have cancer benefits. Dogs stand to increase levels of cancer-fighting enzymes from eating dill.

2. Digestive System Benefits

Dill weed can also aid in digestion among dogs. Dill’s unique anti-foaming action soothes the digestive system. Other properties (antispasmodic properties) also aid in other digestive system benefits, such as reducing flatulence.

3. Anti-Bacteria Benefits

Dill belongs to the same family (Apiaceae) as parsley, dill can also fight bacteria in the mouth responsible for bad breath in dogs. It makes a great choice as a dog breath freshener. Some deal weed can get rid of your dog’s morning breath.

4. Mineral Benefits

Dogs stand to enjoy mineral benefits like high energy levels and strong bones and teeth from minerals like calcium and magnesium.

5. Topical Benefits

Dill weed also has topical remedies. Some dog owners rub dill weed on their dogs' wounds to deal with inflammation. Dill can also act as an insect repellant.


Is dill weed risky?

Dill is generally safe for dogs. However, some pets dislike the taste. Preference aside, the herb doesn't have known dangerous side effects on dogs. Most dogs will respond well when given dill weed.

However, dogs should be given very little dill weed. Dogs were never meant to eat herbs and plants. As a result, they should be given beneficial herbs sparingly to avoid possible problems like stomach upset and related problems like vomiting and choking. Dogs can eat a few leaves as a dog treat whether they are fresh, cooked, or dry.

The ASPCA states that dill weed is non-toxic to dogs but warns against prolonged exposure (known to cause dermatitis. In such a case, dogs can itch excessively or suffer inflammation. If you feed your dog dill weed or other forms of dill and you notice excessive itching, visit a vet. Itching is incredibly uncomfortable to dogs. If this side effect isn’t treated, it will lower your dog’s quality of life.

Is Dill Harmful For Dogs?

No. But only in small quantities. Overfeeding dill and other herbs can be harmful.

As mentioned above, dogs can suffer some side effects like stomach upsets when they consume too much dill.

Dill can also be harmful when dogs maintain prolonged contact with the herb.

Is Dill Weed Poisonous For Dogs?

No! Dill weed isn’t poisonous to dogs. However, you can expect some negative side effects like a stomach upset and related symptoms like diarrhea from excessive consumption.

Dermatitis is also common with prolonged contact. For this reason, stick to small quantities only.

You should also store dill weed away from your dog’s reach and watch out for negative symptoms.

Are Dill Leaves Good For Dogs?

Yes. Dogs can eat and derive nutritional benefits from dill leaves.

The herb in its entirety is packed with essential nutrients (vitamins) and minerals that dogs can derive multiple benefits ranging from digestive system benefits to improved energy levels.

Dill leaves can also boost your dog's immunity, offer oral health benefits, and many other benefits.

For instance, when the leaves are rubbed on a dog’s fur, they can act as an insect repellant. Their strong scent can keep insects that bite dogs at bay.

However, like other forms of dill, the leaves should be used sparingly i.e., a few times weekly, to avoid symptoms mentioned above like stomach upset, vomiting, and diarrhea.

Dill leaves aren't poisonous to dogs. However, overconsumption is detrimental and bound to result in a host of many negative side effects.

In fact, dogs should stick to specially formulated dog food. The nutrients and minerals in dill leaves can be found in their dog food. Dill leaves are only ideal as an occasional dog treat.

How To Serve

Dogs can be given dill in many ways. Some of the best ways include preparing a dill tea. Dill seed tea can effectively transfer essential nutrients to your pet and maximize benefits such as improved digestive health. It is also 100% healthy since it doesn't contain caffeine.

Making dill tea for a dog is simple. Simply boil a teaspoon of dill seeds in some water and let the mixture cool down completely before feeding your dog. Some dogs may dislike the taste of dill tea. If that’s the case with your dog, be creative. For instance, you can mix your tea with some beef broth.

Dill tea can also be used to make some tasty dog treats. However, you must use dill moderately. One teaspoon is enough to make enough dill tea. What’s more, dill shouldn’t be a daily treat. A teaspoon a week is adequate. You can also sprinkle dill seeds in your dog’s food or treat.

Ground dill seeds can also be added to your dog's water or food. If your dog doesn’t drink the water, you need to be creative and consider disguising the dill inside a treat that can range from dog biscuits to a smoothie.

The best and easiest way to feed fresh dill weed, dill seeds, or dill leaves is to simply add to your dog's food. If you feed your dog dill alone, he/she might not like it. Disguising it in food ensures your dog gets the nutritional benefits minus the bitterness or texture issues. Whatever you decide to make (dill tea, dog treat with dill seeds, etc.) don’t give more than a tablespoon at a time.

What Herbs Are Not Good For Dogs?

As stated earlier, dogs shouldn't be eating spice and herb seasoning used to cook human food. The seasoning contains a mixture of many different ingredients that can affect dogs.

Dogs will eat dill weed and many other herbs with ease. Mint leaves, parsley, rosemary, and thyme are proven safe. However, the same precautions apply. Never let your dog overeat herbs as this may introduce side effects like stomach upset, vomiting, diarrhea, restlessness, etc.

In this regard, all herbs, plants, or anything that isn't dog food isn't good for your dog in excessive portions. That's precisely why dog treats exist. If you must feed your dog anything that isn’t dog food, do so sparingly.

What’s more, it matters how the herbs in question were grown. Dogs shouldn’t be given anything with preservatives or harmful chemicals like herbicides. The herbs should be preferably organic and washed well to avoid other problems like bacteria. Dogs can also choke on herbs. This is a problem common among small dogs.

It’s also recommendable to be overly cautious when feeding herbs (even recommendable ones) to your dog for the first time. If he/she has negative side effects from eating small quantities of a herb that is considered safe, consult a vet.

Dogs should be eating dog food. Although herbs and vegetables are healthy, they shouldn’t dominate your dog's diet. Instead, choose nutritious dog food that provides your dog with every nutrient and mineral they need to avoid overreliance on anything else.


Can dogs eat dill weed? Can dogs eat dill? Yes! Dill, in its many forms is non-toxic to pets like dogs. It is also beneficial in many ways discussed above. However, a tablespoon of dill seeds is enough.

A few leaves will also work if you are making dill tea. What’s more, dill should be an occasional tea given one or a few times a week. Overconsumption can be pointless since the minerals and essential nutrients they get in dill are present in dog food.

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