Can Dogs Eat Apple Skin?

Can Dogs Eat Apple Skin?

Yes! If you give your dog a few peels, apple skin shouldn't be a problem. However, you should be aware of the risks associated with feeding your dog large quantities of apple peels. To avoid a digestive upset, feed your dog peels sparingly.

Benefits To Dogs

While apple peels are known to cause digestive problems in dogs when eaten in large quantities, they have some notable health benefits. In fact, research suggests that apples should be eaten as they are – with the skin. Your canine friend is bound to enjoy a variety of benefits from eating apple skin. They include:

1. Vitamin Benefits

Apple peels are packed with vitamin A and C. This makes them great for boosting overall immunity, dental health, bone health, and vision health, just to mention a few benefits.

2. Weight Benefits

Apple peels can also help your canine friend maintain a healthy weight. Apple peels contain ursolic acid, an important compound in maintaining a healthy weight.

3. Cancer-Fighting Benefits

Apple peels could also help your dog avoid chronic diseases like cancer. Studies have found apple peels to contain special compounds (triterpenoids) that can kill or inhibit cancer cells.

Although some of these benefits have been observed in research studies, there’s no doubt that apple peels are healthy and potentially beneficial to dogs. While there are other benefits of apple peels i.e., providing dietary fiber, the fiber contained in the skin of one apple isn't that significant i.e., approximately 5 grams per apple. However, your dog's breath can benefit greatly from apple peels.

Can Dogs Eat Apple Skins

Risks To Dogs

Apple peels pose some risks. They include:

Possible cyanide poisoning: If apple peels are feed to dogs alongside apple seeds, they can cause cyanide poisoning. Apple seeds contain cyanide in small amounts. If your dog eats a lot of apple peels along with apple seeds, they may accumulate a lethal dose of cyanide in the body. The importance of peeling apples carefully and ensuring the peels don't mix with seeds can't be overemphasized.

Chocking risks: Apple peels pose choking hazards, especially among small dogs and puppies. As a result, the peels should be cut in sizes that don't pose choking risks. Ideally, dogs should be fed apple slices with peels as opposed to peels alone to reduce choking risks.

Digestive problems: Different dog breeds can react to apple peels differently. However, apple peels are known to cause digestive trouble in dogs when consumed in large quantities. Ideally, you should introduce apple skin gradually in very small quantities and monitor your dog for signs of digestive trouble. If your dog is unbothered by small quantities of apple skin/peels, you can make them a staple snack.

Dogs can eat apple skin, they are good for dogs. Dogs eat apples as well. However, apple peels pose risks to the digestive system. Apple seeds can also introduce a lethal dose of cyanide in your dog's systems. To avoid this, dog owners should feed their dogs at most an apple a day worth of peels and make sure they separate the apple seeds and core.

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