What Is A Baby Bird Called? (A Complete Guide)

What Is A Baby Bird Called? (A Complete Guide)

We all find baby birds adorable! Their tiny size and squeaky calls are hard to miss. Baby birds come in different colors, depending on the species.

Imagine this. You find a baby bird in a nest, crying for food. You wonder: what is it called? There are many of us out there who have no clue what to refer baby birds as. Can there be a specific baby bird name? Isn't baby bird enough? Like a wild bird or a wild animal, a baby bird can have a name.

Believe it or not, names for baby birds can vary with their bird species and age. If you are a bird-watcher, being familiar with these names can help when contacting rescue workers. You can always learn the baby bird names for fun.

So, what are these names?

Let's get right into it.


Names For Young Birds Based On Age

A baby bird name can sound generic, but in reality, it differs as the baby bird matures. Let's have a look at other names for baby birds that depend on bird age.

1. Chick

This is a common term for naming baby birds. Most people are familiar with a chick, but may not know what it means. Chick denotes young birds who are unable to fly.

2. Hatchling

A hatchling refers to a bird who is only a few days old. In most cases, they do not have feathers and often keep their eyes closed.

3. Nestling

The next phase in a baby bird's life after hatchling is called a nestling. It is usually covered with fur-like fine feathers. A nestling depends on parent birds for food supply. As a result, it never leaves the nest.

4. Fledgling

A fledgling is a fully feathered baby bird who is ready to leave the original nest. It is yet to learn to fly, so you can often find a fledgling hopping funnily. In this stage, a baby bird has developed feathers. However, it still needs nurturing from parent birds.

5. Juvenile

These baby birds have crossed youth stages, but are not yet adult birds. Juvenile birds may display similar characteristics of adult birds.

6. Sub-adult

This generic term is used to identify an immature bird. It has left the nest, and can be found on a nearby tree. Among the top 1000 large birds, eagles take time to become fully mature. This results in them having a long sub-adult phase.

Baby Bird Names By Species

Generic names for baby birds, especially chicks, can be used for any young bird. But when it comes to species, the names can get more specific.

Here are names of some common bird species, in alphabetical order:

  • Chicken- poult for both genders, cockerel for male and pullet for female babies
  • Crane- colt
  • Dove- squab, squeaker
  • Duck- duckling
  • Eagle- eaglet
  • Falcon- eyas
  • Goose- gosling
  • Grouse- poult, squealer, cheeper
  • Guineafowl- keet
  • Hawk- eyas
  • Owl- owlet or fledgling
  • Peacock- peachick
  • Puffing- puffling
  • Swan- cygnet or flapper
  • Turkey- poult for both genders, jake for young male turkey and jenny for young female turkey

This is a basic list of common baby bird names.

What Is A Group Of Baby Birds Called?

You may be lucky to find more than one baby bird. Birds usually lay more than a single egg, which means more baby birds.

If you can locate the nest of a group of baby birds, capture that moment. But, do you know what baby birds in group are referred to as?

A group of baby birds is more precisely referred to as brood or clutch. You may also refer to them as chicks or hatchlings.

Now you are an expert of the various names for baby birds. Congratulations!

If you are interested we have also listed some other interesting facts about baby birds below:

Baby Bird Facts

  1. Some of them look different than parents.
  2. Unlike a common notion, all baby birds are not born with feathers.
  3. Baby bird siblings can belong to different species.
  4. Baby birds need a special diet that is provided by parent birds.
  5. Depending on the bird species, baby birds are born in spring and summer.
  6. Baby birds are always under risks of predators.

Tips When Finding A Baby Bird

Adult birds build nests to create a safe zone for baby birds. Infant birds are prone to attacks and risks. However, no matter how safe a nest is, baby birds may fall off.

Baby birds can fall from a nearby tree or forced by winds to the ground. What can you do if you see one? A common myth is that if we touch a baby bird, its parents won't feed or nurture it.

Let us give tips or course of action in case you come across a baby bird (or more):

  • If you find a baby bird alone, then try to locate the nest and return it.
  • Before placing the baby bird on a nest, ensure it is the right one. How can you be sure? Check if the other hatchlings match with the one you found.
  • If the nest you find isn't intact create a substitute nest and leave the baby as close to the original nest as possible or where you think the nest was originally. Find out more about this if you are in this situation here.
  • If you feel the baby bird needs feeding, then wait for one to two hours for the parent birds to return to the nest.
  • In case you find an abandoned baby bird that requires caring, hand it over to a wildlife rehabilitator. Wildlife rehabilitators are experts for caring and feeding birds if their parents do not return.

In summary, baby birds are cute at every stage of growth and maturity. They have different phases of growth. It's always nice to know what to call them at each stage.

Finding baby birds can be exciting and a task of responsibility. If you are unsure what to do, you can always contact a wildlife expert.

We hope you enjoyed this piece. If you know more baby bird names than listed here, please share in comments.

We would also like to hear your experience with baby birds. Have you ever come across one?